10 Unhealthiest Celebrity Diets.

Unhealthy diets refer to eating patterns that pose risks to a person’s overall health and well-being. These may include extreme calorie restrictions, unbalanced nutrient intake, or fad diets lacking essential nutrients.

Explore the dark side of celebrity diets as we uncover the top ten unhealthiest diets of celebrities around the world. People start following unhealthy diet regimes because celebrities suggest it but they do not understand that restrictive diets and body cleanses diets are disordered eating habits, that lack scientific evidence and focus on short-term weight loss and leave long-term effects on, our physical well-being, mental health, and our lifestyle.


Baby food diet is a fad diet. It involves replacing regular meals with small jars of pureed baby food. The baby food diet involves replacing every meal like breakfast, lunch, and snacks with 14 containers of baby food, except for dinner time, you can eat a regular meal at dinner. As it is a type of fad diet, this diet lasts for 3 days. It was rumored that this diet was used by the actress Jennifer Aniston, she used this diet to lose 7 pounds in a week during the filming of “Just Go with It.”

The criticism regarding this diet is the lack of variety and essential nutrients, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies.


Master Cleanse diet is a modified type of fasting and is said to be leading to weight loss, it is a liquid diet that consists of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, and water for detoxification and rapid weight loss, this beverage contains 110 calories, and at least six servings are recommended per day. Most people do lose fewer calories than their bodies burn, leading to short–term weight loss results, potential nutrient deficiencies, and lack of scientific support. 

This diet is one of the unhealthiest diets because there is no evidence that the diet removes any toxins. There is temporary weight loss followed by regaining the lost weight along with more weight. It is very harmful to the body as it has long-term effects. This diet was used by famous singer Beyonce for her role in “Dreamgirls” in the year 2006.


Cotton ball diet is a type of fad diet, it involves consuming cotton balls dipped in liquids you want to consume like juices or smoothies. The cotton is said to make a person’s stomach feel full without making them gain weight. It does seem harmless but it is very dangerous. The cotton balls can cause a blockage in the intestines that can cause pain and can lead you to stay in the hospital if the blockage is severe. It is extremely dangerous risking gastrointestinal blockages and malnutrition. 

This diet is followed by a lot of models to not gain weight. This diet came to light during the interview of Model Bria Murphy.


The 5 Bite Diet is a fad diet that promotes severe calorie restriction in an attempt to promote quick weight loss. It slows down your metabolism and increases the risk of weight regain. It allows the subject to have only five bites of any meal during the day, it is extremely unhealthy due to the regimen like starvation. This diet is criticized because it causes extreme vitamin and mineral deficiencies, extreme fatigue, and increased diseases due to a low immune system. 

Famous Singer Beyonce lost 20 lbs but recommended to not follow the diet.


Alkaline diets are extremely dangerous diet regimes as in an alkaline diet, the subject fills up on alkaline foods meaning those with a pH higher than water(eg lemon). But if the body becomes too alkaline, it increases carbon dioxide in the lungs through hypoventilation or decreased breathing, the body increases or decreases bicarbonate levels in the blood by increasing or decreasing breathing rate. The kidney works for the elimination of the same through urine. Hence it is extremely dangerous and harmful. 

This diet is criticized also because of limited scientific evidence and potential nutritional imbalances. This diet is followed by Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen. 


This diet involves intentionally swallowing pills that contain tapeworm eggs, later they hatch in the body, and as tapeworms don’t have a digestive tract they absorb their nutrients from the gut contents of the host directly through their outside surface tegument. And the size of tapeworms keeps increasing. The main idea of the diet is that you can eat whatever you want and will still lose weight because the tapeworms are said to be eating your “extra” calories. This diet was criticized because it is extremely dangerous and has high risks of infection along with severe health complications.

Famous opera singer Maria Callas dropped 65 pounds on this diet in the Mid-1950s.


It is a bizarre and unusual diet, it is unhealthy, and it involves pretending to eat while going through the motions of eating like pacing the food on your plate, cutting it, putting it in a utensil, and holding it up to your lips, chews food and then swallowing only air, but just not eating food. It is also called a virtual eating diet means eating nothing but water and salt soup concoction. This diet is criticized because it lacks essential nutrients, it is unsustainable, and poses risks of nutritional deficiencies.

Madonna was linked to using this diet in 2010, it was mentioned in the French Magazine Grazia.


Cookie diet is a diet that allows the subjects to eat six special cookies containing a total of 500 calories, followed by a 300-calorie dinner every day. The meal plan consists of six cookies a day along with “hunger-controlling” foods such as lean meats. This diet aims for calorie control. This diet was criticized because it lacks essential nutrients and leads to nutritional deficiencies.

The famous ‘Jersey Shore star “ Snooki “ follows this diet, which was discussed in her interview in 2017.


This diet is similar to the Master Cleanser diet which includes lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water for detoxification for consecutive 10 days, it is a type of fad diet. This diet is also considered one of the unhealthiest diets, it is criticized for short-term effects and potential nutritional deficiencies.

This diet was followed by Jared Leto and Beyonce for many years.


It is a fad diet that centers upon subjects fasting according to the lunar phases. In this diet, subject consumes nothing but juice and water for 24 hours during the diet, the subject consumes nothing but juice and water for 24 hours during the full moon, new moon, or beginning of a moon phase, by only eating raw or cooked veggies approximately four times a day, it supposedly makes the subject lose six pounds in one day.

Celebrities that have followed this diet include Demi Moore and Madonna. 

Article by Prarthana Shah | Edited by Saumya Sharma