The Attention Economy: How Short Videos Shape Our Focus
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Up-and-Coming Vino Vibes
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Reimagining Retirement: Experts' insights by Edd & Cynthia Staton
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The Dual Nature of Sports Spectatorship: Bonding and Conflict
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Global Childhood Immunization Levels Stalled in 2023, Report Finds
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rich poor the social digest
Gated Communities and Modern Apartheid: A Socioeconomic Divide
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Biden's Mental Fitness and Age Under Scrutiny as 2024 Election Approaches
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European Union Imposes Tariffs on Chinese EV Amid Growing Trade Tensions
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Bizarre Fruits of Andaman
Bizarre fruits from Andaman and Nicobar Islands
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Latest in BUSINESS

The Attention Economy: How Short Videos Shape Our Focus
In today’s fast-paced digital world, attention is a valuable commodity. The concept of the “attention economy,” discussed in the Forbes article “The Attention Economy: Standing...
rich poor the social digest
Gated Communities and Modern Apartheid: A Socioeconomic Divide
Gated communities have become a prominent feature in urban landscapes worldwide, symbolizing exclusivity, security, and a higher standard of living. These enclaves, often surrounded by physical barriers...
Biden's Mental Fitness and Age Under Scrutiny as 2024 Election Approaches
As the 2024 presidential election nears, questions surrounding President Joe Biden’s mental and cognitive health have intensified, spurred by his recent debate performance. A new CBS/YouGov poll...
European Union Imposes Tariffs on Chinese EV Amid Growing Trade Tensions
In a significant move reflecting escalating trade tensions, the European Union (EU) has announced the imposition of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs). This decision aims to protect the European...

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