Emeralds for dinner

With lavish gowns and emerald necklaces, the Ambani family's three-day pre-wedding celebration displayed the wealth and extravagance of India's elite class. On the other hand, India's 111th position in the Global Hunger Index emphasizes the terrible circumstances millions of people face due to food insecurity and malnourishment. This article highlights the stark disparity between affluence and deprivation in India by examining the extravagant expenses incurred during the Ambani celebration and comparing them to the country's GHI ranking.  

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Is there any link between Nutrition & Mental Health?

utrition affects mental health. What we eat significantly determines our health and mental abilities. Not only physical but mental fitness also has its roots in the nutrition we take. Psychological problems or powers depend upon the food we eat, the amount of food, and the mindfulness of eating well-balanced meals. What we eat is not only food for the body but also the brain.

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Societal Influence on Self Image

Social expectations have a significant impact on how people behave, view themselves, and perceive other people. Boys and girls are exposed to a variety of cultural, social, and historical influences from a young age that dictate how they should behave, look, and think. Stereotypes and norms serve as a means of communicating these expectations, which have an impact on people's perceptions while also influencing the dynamics of societal norms. This article will examine the profound impact that societal image has on the lives of boys and girls. Specifically, it will look at how stereotypes, expected behavior, and self-image interact to influence people's identities and choices.

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Here’s how your personality type affects your coping strategies!

Within the intricate realm of human behavior, personality is a critical factor in determining how people react to obstacles, disappointments, and anxieties. Every personality type, from conscientiousness to openness and extroversion, affects the coping strategies we use to deal with life's ups and downs. We examine how various personality types approach coping mechanisms in this investigation, illuminating the various ways people deal with hardship.

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