“Monkey Man” is an upcoming thriller and action film directed by Dev Patel. An incognito young man working in an underground fight club, sets out to take revenge against a group of corrupt leaders, who were the reason behind his mother’s death and also for taking advantage of poor and helpless people. That sounds exciting! Dev Patel always brings a lot of depth to his roles, and it’s intriguing to see him in an action-packed revenge drama. Sobhita Dhulipala and Sikandar Kher making their Hollywood debuts adds to the anticipation.
Patel’s directorial debut centers around a young incognito man who makes his living in an underground fight club , earning cash by fixing the odds in favor of more well-known fighters. After years of repressed rage, the man finds a way to infiltrate the enclave of the city’s sinister elite , who victimized poor and helpless people and also murdered his mother. So, it’s very obvious that he will be going on a vengeance trip with the men who took everything from him.
Aside from the title’s direct praise, many references to the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman, appeared throughout the jaw – dropping 3- minute – plus trailer. In the well-known ancient epic Ramayana, Hanuman joins a war in support of Lord Rama, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, who embodies chivalry. Hanuman gathers an army of vanaras (monkeys), who were against the demon king Ravana, who had seized Rama’s wife Sita. The monkey god uses his exceptional physical strengths. As shown in the trailer, the protagonist is considered as the protector of the people. It is suggested that the tale of Hanuman inspired the character of the monkey man.
It sounds like the movie has a captivating premise, blending the elements of action, thriller, and cultural depth. Patel’s directorial debut seems promising, especially with the potential for showcasing Mumbai’s vibrant yet gritty atmosphere. If executed well, it can indeed offer a fresh take on the vigilante genre, enriched by its Indian cultural perspective. In the movie, the Monkey Man is often depicted as a creature of immense strength and agility, with features reminiscent of both humans and primates. Its appearance can vary, ranging from a more humanoid figure to one that closely resembles a giant ape or monkey.
The plot centers around a group of protagonists who find themselves in the creature’s territory, whether it be a dense jungle, an abandoned urban area, or some other remote location. As the characters navigate through the environment, they encounter various obstacles and dangers, including traps set by the creature or conflicts with other inhabitants of the area. The tension builds as the characters come face-to-face with the Monkey Man, leading to thrilling chase sequences, narrow escapes, and moments of intense suspense. Throughout the movie, the themes of fear, survival, and the unknown are explored as the characters grapple with their own beliefs and perceptions of the creature.
Ultimately, the resolution of the story varies, but it often involves the characters either overcoming the Monkey Man through ingenuity and teamwork or succumbing to its power. The movie provides audiences with a gripping and immersive experience, blending the elements of horror, adventure, and mystery into an unforgettable cinematic journey.
In “Monkey Man” directed by Dev Patel, the conclusion sees the protagonist, Anand, confronting his past and finding redemption through self-discovery and forgiveness. It ends with a message of personal growth and acceptance. This movie marks Dev Patel’s Hollywood directorial debut. The best is wished for him by the audiences and fans, who are eagerly waiting for the release of the movie and its consequent success!
Written by- Mahi Patel | Edited by- Apurv Nayak