The psychology of Religion and Politics

Religion and politics have been co-existing since humanity prevailed.  Religion has influenced politics since the documentation of organized religion. Be it the separation of church and state, the rise of Buddhism during the Mauryan era in ancient India, the holocaust in Germany during Nazi rule or the Palestine war happening right now. The relationship between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy. Individuals hold religious beliefs taught in their houses of worship and homes, and they will form political attitudes that fit with these teachings. Religion and politics have been a part of everyone’s life and have immensely influenced society. In today’s world, it is essential to make political ideologies and opinions independent from one’s religious teachings and attitudes to remain resolute in the face of political agendas based on religion.

Be it the separation of church and state, the rise of Buddhism during the Mauryan era in ancient India, the holocaust in Germany during Nazi rule or the Palestine war happening right now. The relationship between religion and politics continues to be an important theme in political philosophy. 

The split between church and state resulted in England breaking apart from other European countries. It also resulted in the decline of the influence the Pope and Roman Catholic church had on politics. England’s colonial era influenced religion and politics throughout the world, with the rise of different colonial religions in colonies. Immigration of the Aryans to the Indus Valley brought Hinduism to the Indian subcontinent, the rise of Buddhism in the Mauryan era also influenced the rise of Buddhism in eastern Asia, the invasion of Mughals brought Islam with it, and the east Indian company and other colonies affected in the rise of Christianity, Judaism and other religions in India.

Religiosity’s role on political attitude is more heritable than social, political orientations emerge from the contextual, familial, institutional, and elite influences that drive the interest, motivations, identities, and information people learn, which in turn shape the attitudes and ideologies they hold. This is largely an environmental and socialised perspective in the religion and politics field, the environmental influences of religious belief and social group belonging explain the culture wars that have occurred and keep occurring.

For example, white American evangelicals and African-American Protestants may share many theological beliefs, but group membership leads to different party affiliations. Israel-Palestine war, the holocaust, the genocide of people based on their religion that happened on a smaller scale in different parts of the world, the establishment of religious places of worship while replacing the previous one, all of it to some extent, sometimes even severely, either has political influence for occurrence or influences the politics. This has been a common practice since the existence of both religion and politics.

Individuals hold religious beliefs taught in their houses of worship and homes, and they will form political attitudes that fit with these teachings. Alternatively, belonging to a religious group could lead to preferring a set of policies or attachment to a political party. Political parties use religion in various ways, to appeal to voters, consolidate power, and advance their political agendas.  Religion can affect politics in both good and bad ways. According to some individuals, religion may motivate politicians to make ethical choices and advance fairness. Some people say religion can be used to support unfair treatment and lack of acceptance towards specific groups. Religion in politics has advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account. Religion has greatly impacted voters, politics, conversations, policies, communities and elections.  Religion affects political power and results; this has been used for politics that creates division. It has caused division among communities and has been used to discriminate and cause harm to people for years.

Religion and politics have been a part of everyone’s life and influence society profoundly, in today’s world it is essential to make political ideologies and opinions independent from one’s religious teachings and attitudes to remain resolute in the face of political agendas based on religion.

Written by Siddhi Bhadeegar | Edited by Nirjara Poptani