Creation Myths: Exploring Diverse cultural narratives of the origin of the Universe

Just like the universe had its ‘Big Bang,’ our exploration had its ‘Big Wow!’

Creation myths have captivating narratives that explain the origin of the universe. They are woven into the fabric of diverse culture worldwide, as we move across the civilisations, each has its unique story and way of cosmic inception.

1. What are Creation Myths ?

The myth of creation is the symbolic narrative of the  beginning of the world as understood by different communities. It is a supernatural mytho – religious story or explanation that describes the beginnings of humanity, earth, life and the universe cosmology , usually known as a deliberate act of “creation” by one or more deities.

2. How did Creation Myth Begin ?

It is in the nature of humans to wonder about the unknown and search for answers. Humans are the most curious beings to exist in the universe, as humans, we have an innate curiosity about the unknown, we love exploring something thrilling , exploring uncharted territory and discovering things. We’re so inquisitive that we have thirst for new information which somehow links us back to the survival of ours ancestors and leading it to the creation of the universe

At the foundation of nearly every culture is a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to be. These myths have an immense influence the way people think about the world and their place in relation to their surroundings. Despite being separated by numerous geographical barriers, many cultures have developed creation myths with the same basic elements.

3. Common elements in Creation Myths.

Many creation myths begin with the theme of birth. This is because birth represent new life and the beginning of child’s life. It also gives us an idea of a mother and father existing in the creation of the world. The mother and father are not always the figures which create life on earth. Sometimes the creation doesn’t occur until generations after the first god came into being.

Not all cultures imagine life starting on earth . Some believe that it is originated either above or below where we live and beyond the earthly dimension. Yet other myths claim the earth was once covered with water and the earth was brought to the surface. These are called diver-myths.

supreme being appears in almost every myth. He or she is what triggers the train of events that create the world. Sometimes there are two beings, a passive and active creator.

According to some cultures, humans and animals once lived together peacefully. However because of a sin caused by the humans they are split up. This sin is often brought on by darkness and is represented as fire. Other times the innocence of humans is taken away by a god.

 4. Creation Myths around the world.

Let’s explore creation myths from Greek Titans to Hindu cosmology.


In Greek mythology, Titans were early deities who ruled during the Golden Age. They were overthrown by Olympian gods led by Zeus in the Titanomachy , marking a significant shift in cosmic power.


Hindu cosmogony, detailed and given in the Rigveda, centre around Brahma as the creator of the universe. Emerging from a cosmic egg, Brahma initiates creation through meditation, setting in motion a cycle of cosmic order involving other deities.

These beliefs and stories need not be a literal account of actual events and they may express ideas that are perceived by some people and cultures to be truths at a deeper or more symbolic level. In this sense, creation myths need not be religious in nature, and they have secular analogues in modern cultures.

Even now, as the 21st century approaches, we continue to make theories on how earth was created. They are our new creation myths. We base our ideas on scientific evidence. However the creation myths were based on what people saw – their observations.

Article By Prarthana Shah | Edited By Sanika Vahora